Come All Ye Faithful

Free Live Drive -Thru Nativity

DEC 8 – 9 / FRI – SAT / 6:30 – 8:30 PM

BARNEY PARK – Behind South Valley Junior High (Entrance: Galveston & Lindsay Rd)




A journey back to Bethlehem for the whole family.
Drive-thru and experience Biblical scenes of our Savior’s birth!

In-vehicle audio story available in English and Spanish.

Matthew 1:23

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Entrance on Galveston will be limited to southbound traffic. There will be no entrance for northbound traffic on Lindsay.

You will need to exit southbound onto Lindsay. There will be no left turns onto Lindsay Rd.

(As advised from the Gilbert Police Department)

Introduction and Directions

We are so glad you joined us for our community giving and live nativity event tonight!  We have some information to make this an even better experience for you.

  • Connect the phone you are currently using to your car’s audio system for the optimal experience.
  • Turn off headlights and use parking lights.
  • Please lower your car windows down for full effect.
  • When you reach a “Play Track” sign along the nativity path, select the corresponding audio.

Introducción y Direcciones

¡Estamos muy contentos de que se haya unido a nosotros para nuestro evento de donación comunitaria y natividad en vivo esta noche! Tenemos información para hacer de esta una experiencia aún mejor para usted. 

  • Conecte el teléfono que está utilizando actualmente al sistema de audio de su automóvil para una experiencia óptima. 
  • Apague los faros y use las luces de estacionamiento. 
  • Por favor, baje las ventanillas de su coche para un efecto completo. 
  • Cuando llegue a una señal de “Reproducir pista” a lo largo del camino de la natividad, seleccione el audio correspondiente.

Community Giving Opportunities

Look for the donation collection area at the completion of our Nativity experience.  If interested, guests are welcome to bring any of the items listed below to support the charitable efforts of two non-profit organizations serving our community.

Cece’s Hope Center

JustServe Project

The mission of Cece’s Hope Center is to improve the life and future of young women who are at-risk or victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Cece’s Hope Center bridges the gap in critical services often not immediately accessible to this population. Currently their biggest needs are food, clothing, and transportation.

We are collecting gift cards of any amount (please label) to the following places:

  • Grocery stores
  • Target
  • Kohls
  • Marshalls
  • Uber
  • Lyft

Arizona Refugee Center

JustServe Project

The Arizona Refugee Center is a local refugee and immigrant center serving the East Valley. In addition to providing help managing endless paper work, the ARC helps these refugees address critical needs to make their transition to the US more hopeful and welcoming. Many have families and children without access to traditional resources.

In an effort to help these individuals and families, we are collecting:

  • Diapers (all sizes)
  • New socks & underwear (all sizes, male & female)

Come All Ye Faithful